Consisting of a submersible pump, jet-injector mechanism, and three floats, Tsurumi Floating Scum Skimmer (FSP) is designed for the collection of floating scum in wastewater treatment. As it is a floating type, the suction mouth can keep its relative position with the water surface, which prevents operation failure due to changes in the water level. Furthermore, the suction mouth can be adjusted to a depth between 0 to 60mm, so that the skimmer can efficiently suck scum with minimal amount of water.
Tsurumi Floating Scum Skimmer (FSP)
Tags: Floating Scum Skimmer, Tsurumi
Tsurumi introduced its overseas strategy in the 1960s. Our technical capabilities gained recognition first Asia in the 1970s and then in the United States and Europe in the 1980s.
Following these initial successes, we sought to accelerate the overseas strategy through our International Sales Division. Remarkable successes in fields including construction, civil engineering, mining, industrial wastewater, domestic wastewater, sewage treatment, flood control, facilities designed to bring people into closer contact with water, and scenery creation have proven Tsurumi's creativity and capability to the world.